Dirk loves fishing rod-style toys. Visitors are always surprised how fast he runs when they see him chasing these toys 🙂
Up until now feather toys were his favorites, but there’s competition: RompiCatz (Formerly known as Neko Flies) insects. Dirk has a Cagonfly but there’s a whole series! I’m sure he’d love all of them and swapping attachments is a great idea to keep your cat interested for longer. Definitely worth checking out a few of the others (though the spider is not for me…)
I was initially a bit worried Dirk might not like this new toy. It is fairly small – though bigger than an actual insect 😉 – and doesn’t make much noise when you let it fly. Admittedly, our cats might pick up on a sound it makes that we humans can’t hear.
I needn’t have worried. Like most cats, Dirk loves chasing real flies or ladybugs (as well as digital ones on a tablet…).
Obviously, when you move the Cagonfly the air moves, and Dirk’s whiskers were alerted immediately!

The Cagonfly is delicate but well-made. Dirk pounces it, bites it, drags it across the room and it still isn’t broken.
One of the things I love doing is incorporating Dirk’s climbing towers when we play with this toy. Fishing rod-style / flying toys are perfect for this! Dirk runs after it, jumps up for it, and now also climbs up to reach it. It’s fun for both of us 🙂

What better way to finish an insect hunting session than chilling with it in your hammock?

The full collection is now available in various insect types in the Katzenworld Shop!
I know who would love one of these.? Spike.x???
I’ll check these out. A quick question, though: I have to have cat toys with parts that can’t be chewed off and swallowed. Do you think these toys would resist that?