How to Get Sticky Substances out of Cat Fur
If you’re a cat owner, chances are a time will come when your favourite feline gets into somewhere they shouldn’t, and returns covered in anything from oil to chewing gum! While it’s hard to prevent cats getting into sticky situations, there are a number of household remedies to make sure they get cleaned up properly afterwards. Read on for our top tips on removing sticky substances from your cat’s fur.
Oil and grease
The best solution for cleaning oil or grease from cat fur is a mild washing up liquid. Lather the soap into the affected area (undiluted) and then rinse your cat in a tub of warm water until the suds have all disappeared.
Chewing gum
Any home with cats and children is likely to come across this sticky problem at some point. The good news is you can tackle it in the same way that you would remove chewing gum from clothes, by applying an ice cube to the gum; freezing can make it easier to gently pull out. If this doesn’t work, try massaging in some vegetable oil or another edible, non-toxic oil, and leave for around 15 minutes before removing the gum and then following the above tips to wash the oil away.
Glue or resin
If your furry friend’s been at the stationary drawer again, don’t panic – all the ingredients to remove glue from fur can be found in the average kitchen. Again, start with a natural oil, such as olive oil, and rub a little into the area for about 10 minutes (do it as part of a cuddle to make your cat a bit more cooperative). Leave for a further 10 minutes, then try to comb out as much glue as you can, being careful not to pull on the hair root. Finish by working in a small amount of peanut butter and leaving for another 10 minutes, before washing your cat with mild detergent, and rinsing thoroughly.
Household cleaners or chemicals
If your cat has a toxic substance stuck in its fur, such as petrol or household cleaners, try to prevent them licking themselves by using a collar or wrapping them in a towel until you can clean the area. Try to trim away the contaminated fur with hair or nail scissors, using a comb to pull the fur away from the skin. You can use cooking oil to rub away the substance if it’s a small area. After using either of these methods, wash your cat using a mild detergent and warm water.
Safety tips
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- If you’re dealing with a hardened substance that won’t budge, such as paint, it’s usually easier and more effective to cut away the affected fur.
- Remember, your cat’s first instinct is to lick its fur, so don’t use any harsh chemical products to clean them, such as paint thinner. Certain natural oils are also poisonous to cats, including tea tree, eucalyptus and citrus oils.
- If you think your cat has ingested any chemicals, call your local vet or RSPCA centre for advice.
Thanks Moa, great tips, thanks for sharing.
My personal thoughts are that if your cat has any household cleaners or chemicals on their fur, a trip to the vet is advisable. There may be burns that are difficult to detect to the untrained eye, under the cat’s fur, that will require treatment.
Pingback: How to Get Sticky Substances out of Cat Fur – Katzenworld | RoseyToesSews
Thank you! Very important!
Bookmarked it, thanks for the info.
thanks so much!
Hello Moa, thank you for sharing the tips on How to Get Sticky Substances out of Cat Fur. Technically i don’t have idea on this until i read this blog. I’ll just keep my cats inside their house.
Glad you found it useful!
Pingback: How to get Sticky Stuff out of Fur – Jeanne Foguth's Blog
thank you 🙂
I have a stray thrown from a moving vehicle kitty who eats regularly meals in my back area. He/she came home covered with a sticky hardened substance on her back and tail. It almost looked like someone had thrown something on her./him Can you tell me what the substance is. It doesn’t seem to bother her and she was very hungry and ate her soft cat food. Her ear is also bare where something has torn away the skin.
Hi Ronald,
Without photos it’s a little difficult to judge what happened to the poor cat. Do you have photos?
Also It’s always best to take a cat to the vet if unsure.