Cat Naps Winners – The story of Squibby

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‘Squibby’ photographed by Phil Croucher, UK – 2016 iCatCare Cat Naps photography competition winner

“This cat is a stray called Squibby who lives with my parents on their small holding in France. She turned up one morning, about two years ago, a scruffy bundle of grey fluff, hungry and wary, but soon settled in and became a great companion for my Dad – often following him around as he worked. She is a prolific hunter and after a night in the fields she loves to catch the warmth of the morning sun through the barn window, which is also directly above my Dad’s favourite perch, where he would sit and read the mail each morning.”

Phil unfortunately lost his father in May after a long battle with cancer. This picture will appear in October of the Cat Naps calendar – his Dad’s birthday month – as a tribute to this kind and very missed man.


The judges loved the fact that Squibby’s coat matches the colours of the wood and stone in this photograph.

To view all of the winning photographs from the competition – click here. And if you’d like to purchase the 2017 calendar you can do so here.


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