Hello everyone,
Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. 😀
The easiest way to join TRT is by sending us photos to info@katzenworld.co.uk. Or just leave a comment with the link to the post / photo you’d like us to use. Additionally we have set up a linky app if you don’t want to make your photo public just yet. Click here for this.
Meet Fievel, who joins us from Shannon Yvonne Moreau’s Blog.
This cute tummy belongs to Dewey, who joins us from Headwindjournal.
Brutus is back for another round of Tummy Rubs! You can meet him and his mum on Twitter.
This adorable bright white tummy belongs to one of our Twitter buddies. 😀
This gorgeous black kitty has been sent in by Sara Codair.
And last but not least, Max the Wonder Cat who flies in his dreams. (Sent in by email)
And in case you missed last week’s post click here to see the full list!
Now we need ALL of you! Do you want to see your cat featured and join our fun blog roll? Follow the steps below. 😀
All you need to do is post a photo or photo story of your furfriend on your own Blog and add your post link onto our linky app by clicking here or by leaving a comment with the direct link.
Should you not have an own Blog you can participate by sending us an email with your photo to info@katzenworld.co.uk – just let us know what you would like to have listed as source! 🙂
And to make it fair your cat photos don’t have to be a tummy shot we do understand that not all cats like showing off their belly! So any fun photo story will be fine but tummy ones will be even better 😀
And on next week’s’ #TRT we will be posting photos with links back to all you guys in the weekly Tummy Rub Tuesday post!!!
A big thank you to all participants from all of us here at Katzenworld.
Not on WordPress but would like to follow us? We are on Bloglovin too! 🙂
Click to visit our Shop for the hassle-free Zen Clippers!
recklessly radiant!
What a great phrase! Thanks for commenting 🙂
your kitty made my day! I should be saying thank you!
Gosh, what a shame those cats just can’t relax, eh?
The kitten in the first photo must have been suddenly smitten by sleep.
Oh, I know! A cat’s life is a difficult one 😉 Thanks for commenting!
Reblogged this on Animals are Wonderful.
They are all so adorable. Each one looks so peaceful and loving.
Thoughts in Progress
and MC Book Tours
How very true! Thanks for commenting 🙂
Always big grins reading Tummy Rub Tuesday!
Glad we made you smile! Thanks for commenting 🙂
This is the email I save for last. The best for last! Bless!
Glad you enjoy it! Thanks for commenting 🙂
I want to come back as my cat! 😀
What a great idea! Thanks for commenting 🙂
Don’t forget “with a good home” part….
Goose is in good company! They are all sooooo cute!
Yes, every single one! Thanks for commenting 🙂
hooray for tummy rub tuesday! meow! <3
Meow! Glad you enjoyed it 😀 Thanks for commenting.
Thumbs up for tummies up! ^..^
😀 Thanks!
Lovely selection, yet again, just the thing to take my mind off aching feet. Long live trt! ?
Glad you enjoyed it! Hope your feet feel better 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
Such little darlings!
They sure are! Thanks for commenting 🙂
Tummy Rub Tuesday is the best thing that happened to Tuesday!
Aw, great to hear that! Thanks for commenting 🙂
Now these made my day … thank you.
Oh I’m so glad! You are most certainly welcome 🙂 And thank you for commenting!
Thanks for another fun tummy rub post. Dewey was happy to be included. In fact, he was feeling so studly this morning, he made a pass at Zoe (not his real sister, but still …) ! Cheers.
Glad you enjoyed it! We were very happy to include Dewey, though it sounds like he may need a bit of cooling off 😉 Thanks for commenting!
Those are all great tummies.
Certainly are! Thanks for commenting 🙂
“Like” is not enough …. I LOVE them all!!! So beautiful.
Oh, wonderful! So pleased you love them. Thanks for commenting 🙂
Mum’s just viewed them, and she thinks they’re all beautiful. ?
Great to hear! Thanks for commenting 🙂
Hello ! Sécotine was my sweet cat from the french mountains
What a cutie! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Cute tummies abound!
Certainly do! Thanks for commenting 🙂
Reblogged this on Rattiesforeverworldpresscom.