Hello everyone,
Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. 😀
The easiest way to join TRT is by sending us photos to info@katzenworld.co.uk. Or just leave a comment with the link to the post / photo you’d like us to use. Additionally we have set up a linky app if you don’t want to make your photo public just yet. Click here for this.
Another great entry from our Twitter friend Großstadtkatze.
Meet Hegi! Adorable tummy with… sharp teeth! 😉 Sent in by our friend Jenny via email. 🙂
This adorable tummy belongs to Joannie from 15 And Meowing.
This cute fluffy one belongs to our good friends MyFourCats! 😀
Gibbs is back for another round of tummy rubs! Who could resist his little face. 😉 More on his mum’s blog here.
Sansa had a bit of a nightmare trip before this photo… So why not cheer her up with a tummy rub. 😀
Last but not least important is Shrimp from HairballExpress
And in case you missed last week’s post click here to see the full list!
Now we need ALL of you! Do you want to see your cat featured and join our fun blog roll? Follow the steps below. 😀
All you need to do is post a photo or photo story of your furfriend on your own Blog and add your post link onto our linky app by clicking here or by leaving a comment with the direct link.
Should you not have an own Blog you can participate by sending us an email with your photo to info@katzenworld.co.uk – just let us know what you would like to have listed as source! 🙂
And to make it fair your cat photos don’t have to be a tummy shot we do understand that not all cats like showing off their belly! So any fun photo story will be fine but tummy ones will be even better 😀
And on next week’s’ #TRT we will be posting photos with links back to all you guys in the weekly Tummy Rub Tuesday post!!!
A big thank you to all participants from all of us here at Katzenworld.
Not on WordPress but would like to follow us? We are on Bloglovin too! 🙂
Click to visit our Shop for the hassle-free Zen Clippers!
Aaaw – my friend Shrimp again! But this week’s fluff-winner is Joannie! Großstadtkatze’s photo has postcard-qualities, though. Sigh – as usual – all are cute, all are adorable.
My Joanie says thank you 🙂
😀 it’s difficult to choose a favourite. 😉
It is, still I try … and whenever Shrimp is involved, it is hard to call!
Hehe, shrimp is an especially adorable cat ^^
Oh cutie ! I wanna rub those tummies too!
I love the look of cat’s back paws, as Joannie is demonstrating.
Another adorable crop of felines. Thank you. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed it ^^
Wonderful selection, yet again. Long live trt. ?
Thank you 😀
Mum’s says they are all beautiful.
Awww please pass my thanks to her as well. 🙂
Thanks for including Gibbs again. He loves his 15 minutes of fame!
All of the kitties are adorable. Tummy rubs all around.
Always happy to include Gibbs and co 🙂
Fab Fab pics!
Thank you 😀
Awwwwwwwwwww. Another week of irresistible bellies!
Aawww, now I’ve had my morning cup of coffee and a smile. Such cuties.
Hehe ^^ glad to help make Tuesday’s easier lol
I love looking at cat photos – especially tummy rubs. They make me feel so happy. I love them all!
Thank you ?
Reblogged this on Rattiesforeverworldpresscom.
“Lounging: our most important product. . .” 🙂 ^..^
Haha! Love the slogan 🙂
One of them looks like they’ve had a little too much catnip LOL
Possibly 😉
Reblogged this on Animals are Wonderful and commented:
More precious furry tummies for some rubbing
cats rock!
relax time 😀
Yeah 🙂
Great collection of tummies. Joanie says thank you for showing hers 🙂
You are always welcome. 🙂
very very very cute cats….Hope the third one did not fart when the photo was taken….lol Nothing to do with this great article and very cute cats, but we should some how teach our cats to prevent us when they make jumping farts….lol i mean when they jump to get on your feet and they fart….lol It is kind of complicated moment. Any way thenkas for this sweet photos and sorry for this silly jokes.
Haha no worries! We’ve all been there 😉
YES! Two of my furriends are in..Joannie and Shrimps. Have to give them an Extra Rub…and Pawkiss right on their bellies 😉 Pawkisses for a wonderful day to you all 🙂 <3
Thank you for stopping by. :D. Btw have you seen the litter box giveaway for European kitties? 😉