Furry Sanctuary: A Cat Haven in the Philippines

Cat Cafe Manila is a treat for my fellow cat lovers in the Philippines. It is located in the heart of a long strip of themed cafes in the Northern part of Manila. As self-proclaimed (crazy) cat ladies, my best friend and I just had to pay a visit.

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This particular cat cafe does not only serve to satisfy hooman’s kitty needs but their chief mission, in partnership with CARA Welfare Philippines (Compassion and Responsibility for Animals), is to serve as temporary shelter to our beloved puspins (abandoned cats). They function as a cat orphanage  until they find responsible owners to take care of the cats.

For those who are interested in contributing to their cause, you need to book reservations online prior visiting. The one thing you need to remember once you arrive is to wash your hands before entering the furry premises. Other house rules are posted near the door to ensure a safe atmosphere.



image credit: cat cafe

Located beside the house rules, you will find a wall filled with post-its. Customers are free to write down feedback and random quotes about cats.

Once you enter the kitty area, the staff will confirm your reservation and you have to pay the standard fee. Half of the payment is consumable for food and drinks, while the other half is dedicated to the well-being  of the kitties.


The right side of the wall is decorated with frames portraying their cat selfies. Alongside it are family photos of cats with their hoomans. <3

The dainty cafe offers various pastries such as different flavoured cookies, chocolate bars, and cupcakes. Their beverages range from flavoured Italian soda to iced tea and coffee. They even sell kitty collectables like cat ears, cat eye frames, and practically anything that is cat themed.

No one is allowed to wake up cats who are resting in their mini cat houses like Momma Cat and Basu right here. You can only play with them when they are roaming around the room. You cannot carry them either, but you can lure them towards you using cat toys.

If you happen to come there when most cats are sleeping, you can kill time by playing cat-themed board games with your friends.

It was a pretty fulfilling way to end the stressful workweek. The place offered sanctuary for cats and a calming environment for the customers.

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About the author:
The Doll Next Door is a professional writer by day, a crazy cat lady come nightfall. She is a self-proclaimed romantic and views life through rose colored glasses. Yet, she also finds herself fascinated with the minds of psychopaths.

Check out her love advises, emotional distresses, cryptic notions and travel pieces on her personal blog.


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14 thoughts on “Furry Sanctuary: A Cat Haven in the Philippines

  1. Pingback: Furry Sanctuary: A Cat Haven in the Philippines – Rattiesforeverworldpresscom

  2. Hazel says:

    This place makes me so happy!! Cat cafes are such a wonderful idea. I’m definitely stopping at my most local cat cafe next time I’m in Vancouver. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Furry Sanctuary: A Cat Haven in the Philippines - Quotes

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