Guest Star: Fluffin the 20 year old kitty!

Hello everyone.

Today’s guest post has been sent in from Samina who would like to tell us abut her mature feline friend.

Here is our little Fluffin. She turned 20 years old on June 1st, 2015!!! She is healthy and happy, although she takes very long catnaps now. She likes to sleep in our front closet on lots of fluffy rugs and towels. In 1994, my brother who was in college at the time, had two kittens left on his doorsteps. He took one and named her Bruce (after his favorite Buffalo Bills player) and gave the other one away to a friend. In about a year, Bruce became pregnant and had four kittens. We inherited two, Fluffin and her sister Puffin. Puffin passed away at the age of 18 and a half! My son was only five years old in 1996 when we got the kitties and he named them.


We lived in a beautiful home in a suburb of Buffalo then, so Fluffin, who was quite the hunter and acrobat, went out daily into our backyard. She had a lovely life in Buffalo. She brought us all kinds of trophies and cleared our yard of any and all moles. Once she got locked out of our house for a day while we were on vacation (long story) and we were very worried not to find her at home when we got back. But she came back home at 4 am, my son and I were frantically waiting for her. Most probably, due to this outing, she may have contracted something which gave her inflammatory liver disease. So she’s been on 2.5 mg of Prednisone every other day, for that for about 10 years. Besides that she is perfectly healthy and even has every single one of her teeth!! We love and adore her. My son (who is in Law school now) calls her his sister, he is an only child. When he used to be playing video games as a youngster, she would bump get head on his elbow and he’d scream “Mom, she made me die again!” She is a sweet, sweet cat. Never in her life did she ever scratch or bite anyone. We take good care of her, she deserves it. Our beloved little Fluffin.


Thank you Samina for sharing your story of Fluffin (and Puffin). Despite her years, Fluffin is still looking beautiful. No doubt that’s down all your love and care.

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20 thoughts on “Guest Star: Fluffin the 20 year old kitty!

  1. franhunne4u says:

    May you have a few years left with Fluffin – the cat of a colleague of mine was 23 when she (the cat) died, it is not impossible! And a comedian in Germany had another of those very senior cats!

  2. Dennis the Vizsla says:

    hello katzenworld its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow twenny yeerz old!!! my sister trouble the kitty wuz twenny also another yeer and she cud hav started buying her own catnip insted of mayking dada do it!!! happy noo yeer!!! ok bye

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