Giveaway: The Bluffer’s guide to Cats

Hi everyone,

Following on from our post earlier today about the Lady Daphne event here the promised details about the book  “The Bluffer’s guides to Cats” as well as the giveway!


Ever had the problem to end up among people that are not cat fanatic and don’t know how to talk with you about cats? You should get them one of these books! The Bluffer’s guide to cats is the perfect book for anyone who isn’t already cat crazy and needs to be converted! The book is currently on special offer via the iCatCare online shop! 😀

More about the book:

‘There is, incidentally, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person.’

Or so says writer and humourist Dan Greenberg. But we’re not so sure because Vicky Halls’ fabulous Bluffer’s Guide to Cats talks about cats in a way that manages to be witty and informative without sounding in the least bit crazy.

Vicky is the perfect choice as author. Knowledgeable but with an irreverent and light touch, she is an internationally-acclaimed cat behaviour counsellor and bestselling writer – voted the UK’s favourite cat author by readers of Your Cat magazine.

The Bluffer’s Guide to Cats is the latest addition to the 30+ titles in the best-selling Bluffer’s series. First launched in the 1960s, the series is written by experts and offers readers the opportunity to bluff their way in a variety of subjects ranging from wine and etiquette to jazz and surfing.

Although theoretically targeted at readers not yet familiar with felines, TheBluffer’s Guide to Cats  is a great read for confirmed cat fans too.  It’s highly entertaining with some laugh out loud moments – including my personal favourite (because it’s just so true)

But don’t be fooled, for all its levity this isn’t lightweight stuff. The Guide is full of genuinely useful cat facts – even dedicated cat fans will find much of interest. There are sections on breeds, behavioural problems, understanding cats and recognising medical conditions. And there are lots of useful snippets in there, such as.

And for dinner table conversation you may wish to let it be known that famous cat fans include Sir Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln while Mussolini and Ghengis Khan were both cat haters. Just saying…

The Bluffer’s Guide is an ideal gift for the cat fan in your life – or for yourself. (And if you decide to buy a copy through International Cat Care, you’ll be making a gift to cats too!)

The author Vicky Halls was present at the event to tell us all about the book and read us an excerpt of it!

Vicky & Claire
Vicky presenting her book

Giveaway Details:

To support International Cat Care and the author we have purchased three signed copies of the book for you all! 🙂

We will be giving away one of the copies each 2 weeks in order to give a larger amount of people the chance to hear about the event and enter!

To win the first autographed copy of the book please complete any of the following actions through our giveaway tool here to gain chances at winning:

1. For Tweeting about the event through the GiveawayTool – 4 Chances
2. Sign up for our new newsletter via mail chimp for extra chances. (Bonus chances even if you don’t use Social Media!!!) – 5 Chances
3. Follow us or International Cat Care on Twitter – 2 Chances
4. Follow us or International Cat Care  on Pinterest – 1 Chance
5. Follow us on Bloglovin – 2 Chances
6. Make a comment stating you would like to enter (for those that don’t use social media) – 2 Chances

Worldwide entries are welcome so don’t forget to enter here.




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21 thoughts on “Giveaway: The Bluffer’s guide to Cats

  1. Linda Arthur Tejera says:

    Sounds like a really cute book — something I could share with all my friends and relatives who have been known to refer to me as “that crazy cat lady.” I just thank them and move on knowing that they just don’t understand! LOL

  2. Brian Langston says:

    Great promotion guys-really creative and hope it creates the buzz you want. Having just sterilised our 6oth ‘feral’ cat here in France, it would be great to celebrate with a copy of this cool book…before we try to catch the last dozen of them!

  3. emilyfowlerwrites says:

    Vicky Halls is wonderful! I actually met her earlier this year and she kindly signed one of her books for me, but not this one so would love to win 🙂

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