Hi everyone,
Today we would like to share an infographic from Vet-Medic
We sure all know the moments when our cats come up to us and make these cute cuddly faces to demand to have a share of our food. But what exactly is good for them and what is not?
We hope you enjoyed this infographic! The original can be found here.
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Reblogged this on Jeanne Foguth’s Blog and commented:
Excellent Information!
The only treats our cats ever get are Greenies catnip flavour and they only get a few of those each day. No human food whatsoever.
Just cat treats here too apart from occasional chicken bits 🙂
Raw meat and raw fish are not poison. If served the correct amount and you keep the hygienic rules then there should be not a problem. I’m eating them now for more then 3 years. Raw bones are healthy for your cat, is very good for the teeth. You never can give supportive bones to your cat like bones from legs from cows, horses,…, those are really hard to digest for cats. A chicken wing, a quail leg or rabbit ears or ribs are perfect, raw served !never cook bones!
Oh wow! Looks like our UK vets had a slightly different opinion =o thanks for pointing that out Billy 🙂
VET’s in Belgium, The Netherlands have also a different opinion but there is a change in feeding growing like with humans to eat more natural and less “fabric food”.
In my future articles I will write more about it 🙂
Excellent! 🙂 We may need to allocate you a fixed slot for “Billy’s health and tips corner” 😀
Very interesting. I didn’t know about the liver or the grapes and raisins. I woder why a lot of foods are liver flavored?
I think part of this is down to the individual vets. Opinions seem to vary quiet a bit as I noticed from comments ;o
What about crisps an biscuits? Mine are forever stealing those lol
They may get fat but crisps should be safe ;D
One of them is fat and the other is slim, the fat one is lazy though and slim jim is always in and out, theyre both awesome though. My little ginger boy is a handfull though, terrible theif he is! Wouldnt change him though haha
Haha. Typical cats 🙂
I seen some opportunities to add interest to my cats’ diets. I especially like the idea of boiled eggs or melon, neither of which I would have considered feeding to a cat. The cat I had before my current two loved deli turkey as an occasional treat, though I wonder if it might have been a bit too salty. I don’t feed it to my current cats. Anyway, great blog MARC-ANDRÉ!
Haha thanks 🙂 search for Melon on my blog btw! Or check the comments on this post as i put the link up for someone else. It’s Mao eating Melon 😀
My childhood cat liked to sneak broccoli and peas as treats. The cats I have now eat virtually no human food although they do have a penchant for Goldfish crackers. I plan on trying melon when the Summer comes, maybe some low sodium deli meat. I know they get bored eating the same old cat food everyday. I just bought some Greenies dental treats that Penny liked and Rupert (very surprisingly) was not too fond of. Anyway, great post. Definitely (cat) food for thought. 🙂
Thank you and check out this post regarding melons 😉 https://katzenworld.co.uk/2014/06/21/maoswers-who-knew-watermelons-were-this-good/ I have a newer HD version which i NEED to put up too 😀
“I see” rather…!
Thank you for these. My cat is extremely picky in her food, she won’t even eat dry cat food, only meat. I think I’ve spoiled her too much and now I can’t get her to eat anything else.
You are welcome! And meat should be good for her. Most of us have the problem that cats are addicted to dry food 😮
Can I say your “Cat” knows what is good for her! In my humble opinion the best thing a cat can get is raw meat! Don’t change her eating habits!
Did I read that right? Treats should make up 20% of a cat’s diet. That’s 1/5 th.
That sounds like a huge amount to me.
It does if we think of convential treats. Their idea of treats includes healthy cat grass and melon etc. 🙂
Including cat grass is kind of like saying lettuce is a treat for us, don’t you think? It just seems a bit odd.
Ah. I need to edit the video of Nubia and her cat grass. She will convince you otherwise 😀 destroyed she did the whole box of it haha
LOL bless her 🙂 they can get very carried away with themselves. I know mine can 🙂
Especially Nubsey LOL 🙂
PS – for the love of all that’s furry, dont tell Rory its 20% coz she’pudgy enough on about 3%!!!
LOL. Tell me about it! Oli was like right does that mean i get more crunchies?!? I was like nope just more cat grass! Eternal sigh from Mr Oli to that answer 😉
My sister Amy would agree with your Rory…. she likes more treats 😉
My cat begs for milk, but she doesn’t get any. I don’t need a cat puking around the house.
Lactose intolerance oh yeah. But there is always lactofree milk 😀
You ever tried goat milk, that is lactose free and very healthy for cats
Thanks for posting this!
We’ve dealt with enough health issues that I’m not tempted to take chances, so a little tuna is usually the only “treat” we give around here.
From the title I thought this post was going to be about the tainted jerky treats.
Thank you! 🙂 And tainted jerky treats??? What happened! Since jerky isn’t popular even for humans in normal supermarkets in the UK I totally missed that. :O
I love this conversation with comments by Billy! Marc-André, have you heard anything about the advisability of sharing corn on the cob with cat friends? How about turkey liver? Some seem to love it and others not, but we only have it at Thanksgiving time, so maybe it’s too little to hurt a fur pal.
Thank you <3
I never ate corn ont he cob, that is something USA but if you keep it to really small amounts it should not be a problem.
Turkey liver is good but it's like with humans about the taste. I prefer duck liver over beef liver but again a small piece of it should not be a problem.
Thanks Billy for answering that question 🙂
Pretty good info over all. I understand the diagrams are made for the average consumer and truly better-safe-than-sorry. I am a bit of a pet food nut, so just a few of points from the USA and to answer a few questions posed above from my POV:
-I really don’t like the wording about dog food – it is not “poison” or “toxic” both of which specifically mean “a substance that is capable of causing the illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed.” Whereas it is specifically the *absence* of nutrients in 99% of dog foods that make them inadequate for cats. Just semantics, and maybe the UK definition is different.
-Also in the US, I will take *correctly handled* raw meats over deli meats any day since most deli meats here are full of preservative chemicals (not all but most).
-Liver in and of itself is not toxic. Cats who kill and eat small animals eat the liver also and it is PACKED with nutrients. Vitamin A in particular is vital, but can be toxic in doses that are too large. To answer the liver question above: caution should be taken to consult with a veterinarian on safe quantities of any organ meat. I have seen organ meats – specifically chicken liver – recommended in cases of vitamin deficiencies, but the amounts are always specified based on species and weight of animal.
*Goats milk is usually tolerated well in cats. If you offer it as a treat, keep the amount small and watch for tummy upset. If tummy upset occurs, discontinue.
*Corn is safe – it is (sadly) a primary ingredient in many cat and dog foods both in the US and overseas. It is a cheap source of protein as well as carbohydrates. Cats however do not process carbs as well as dogs and people – the cat’s primary source of energy is protein. I never recommend corn based food for cats as a diet, but a little corn on the cob won’t hurt them for sure.
Head boops and purrs from Mimi and the Commune crew! =^.^=
For liver I prefer duck and lamb, chicken and beef liver have to many antibiotics in it.
Thank you for adding all this useful info :). I am tempted to create us a health tips forum now haha.
Great information ! Purrs
Thanks 🙂
Also human meds are toxic too..aspirin etc very bad indeed..so watch your tables and household chemicals 🙂 xx
Very good point! What helps us doesn’t help our kitties – people often forget how much stronger our meds are than special designed ones. Or that the chemicals are totally different 🙁
I Know..always best to be very careful 🙂
Indeed 🙂
Thanks…this is really useful!! 🙂
Wlecome 🙂
Great information. Thanks!
Thank you 😀
You are welcome ^^ ty
Many thanks! A very helpful tool.
Thank you 🙂
That’s so crazy…family cat loved watermelon…had liver and thyroid issues!
That shouldn’t be related to the watermelon tho. My friends cat has those every summer.
That’s really useful information. I knew about raisins but I didn’t know you could feed your cat melon and cooked carrots!
I was surprised when my friends cate ate watermelon for the first time =o
Good to know! Squirrel loves a bit of watermelon in the summer! Other than that, he is not a fan of human food.?
Greetings furiend! Remember that post I did a few days ago about my Pawsome new toy? Well, check out this link!! The human found an EVEN BETTER ONE!!
http://pet-supplies.drsfostersmith.com/search?af=type%3Aproduct&view=grid&w=mystery%20motion%20cat%20toy&visitorID=&cartcount=0&wishcount=0&division= ?
Omg! Feathers. I wonder if they ship to the UK 😮
I think they do! They have all kinds of cool kat toys, water fountains, meds – flea treatments and even food – I think also there’s a phone number on their website so you could find out if they do- but I’m almost certain they ship worldwide!?
Woohooo. Oli will be so pleased. He was very annoying all of last night… Kept sitting just above my head and pawing at my face! 4 am not play time =.=
I don’t get it- My human won’t play at 4 am either!! *(dang human)!* Hope Oli loves his new toys- I LOVE their DRIED TUNA FLAKES!!!! *((TRILLLLLLLLS))* (TUMMY RUMBLES)
Can you post dried fish to your country? I got some special japanese backed fish. :). Its sealed!
I don’t know- but I’d sure LOVE to find out!!?
Send me an email with your humans adress and we shall find out 😀 marc@katzenworld.co.uk
Thanks, Dude!
Its on its way!! *(tummy rumbles)*
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Thank you for this valuable information. A couple of the poisons surprised me, specifically the liver. I knew grapes were not good for dogs but didn’t know they were bad for cats too.
I hope you don’t mind, I shared this infographic. If you prefer I remove it let me know I will do so happily.