Since I like to rampage around the neighbourhood keeping things in order and stuff,  I also come home covered in all kinds of things.  From mud,  sand,  grit even soaked sometimes!  My humans get really angry when I’m wet and muddy especially.  I dont see the problem,  I get to play finger painting all over the house!  And remind Mao I’m the BIGGER CAT!  Anyways here are some photos from my latest bathtime~~




Hope you enjoyed my photos! 
<3 From BOSS CAT Snowball~~

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    • YuKi~~ says:

      Claws get clipped before bathtime happens! They just sit in the tub very chilled =P tries to escspe the odd times, but after a while they give up trying =P

  1. weggieboy says:

    When my two Persians were kittens, they had an internal; parasite they picked up in an infected grasshopper. They both had diarrhea for weeks, and I got to give lots of baths, sometimes two kittens at a time. I was glad when the veterinarian’s prescription finally cleared up their problem! I hope I never have to give another bath to another cat. I take them to a groomer.

  2. The Canadian Cats says:

    hahaha….you don’t mind a bath at all….what a kitty! I can tell by your eyes….that you are relaxed. When we get a bath….everyone knows we don’t like it. Beside the very loud singing,,,,there is a strong look of terror in out eyes.


  3. Dennis the Vizsla says:

    hello snowball its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow a cat bath??? my layt sister trouble the kitty yoozed to tel me that mama and dada gayv her a bath wunse and she wuz so terrifyed she bekaym paralyzed until they gayv her sum cheez to perk her up sownds like she ran a pritty gud skam on them yoo shud try it!!! ha ha ok bye

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