Events: London Pet show review

Hi everyone!

So we have arrived back from this years pet show and it certainly was worth the visit.

Not just did we get to see loads of different cat breeds including the cute sphinx breed but also got loads of samples to try out with Oliver and the others. Oh and we also got to see the famous Swedish hurdle jumping rabbits o_O google them on YouTube it was certainly interesting to see them.

Make sure you have a look at our products and samples area if you are due to go tomorrow to find out where to get the best samples!

As for the Cat area here is what we saw:

Cat breeds:

I tried to get some pictures for you all but wasn’t always easy as some of the cats were in show cages to get away from the crowds. Though they did have nice large scratch trees for them to play on under observation:


This was a very cute Bengal.


A very nice Main Coon – their paws are gigantic in comparison to our two.


Ragdoll breed


Birman breed


They even had Ocicat which looks lovely!


Nebelung breed which was one of my favourites!!! Would have loved to sneak her away in my bag…


Chinchilla cat – can’t say this guy looks particularly happy…


These two were Somali kittens and again at high risk of vanishing into my bag…



Sphinx breed. This little guy was my favourite! We got to stroke him and he was extremely soft! Something I previously wouldn’t have thought if someone would have told me that about the “naked cats”.

Cat talk:

In the cat zone you will also find an area in which experts will give you handy tips and advise about how to look after your cats.


While this overall is quite entertaining be warned about the constant reminder of this years sponsor – Zoflora…

Products and samples:

As you can imagine there were many different stalls to cater for both our needs and those of our feline family members.

Let’s have a look at the samples and products we purchased at the show.


We first stopped at Almo nature which was handing out FREE product samples. Interestingly in German anniversary bags? Not entirely sure why considering we are in London but they must have had their reason for it!


This sure was one of the best free goody bags as it contained one wet food and two dry food bags for our kitties to enjoy.


Next we stopped at Zoflora which is marketing their product as safe and clean to use for pet items such as litter trays. As it’s free certainly worth it if you can get over the constant reminders of them being the main sponsor 😉


Vet’s kitchen was handing out small samples of cat food as well. Which seems to be quite good as Oli barely let me take a picture of it. He was all over me and started purring and demanded getting this ASAP!


James Wellbeloved too had goody bags for cats, however these were priced at 5£. This bag contains 2 bags of dry food and 2 pouches of wet food. As well as a not so useful green rubber bowl thingy? Yet to to figure out what it is meant to be used for! The bag also included a 5£ pounds voucher towards a future purchase of their brand in any pet shop that stocks their products which technically makes this a free sample bag!



These toys were our one full price purchase at the show. They are sold at the Purfect Home stand and drew our attention as you can attach different toys to the rod! Looking at how Oli and Nubes barely let me take a photo of these the Frenzy cat toy slogan seems to to be right!

We shall post a separate review on the toys once we try them out. 🙂


Lastly don’t forget to pickup a free copy of the Your cat magazine which you can pick up either at the cats talk area or the royal canine stand.

All in all this was well worth the visit and it took us a few ours to walk around the cat area and also have a little stroll around the other pet areas! 🙂

Thanks for reading our review.

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6 thoughts on “Events: London Pet show review

  1. Diane Ricciardi Stewart says:

    looks like you had a wonderful time!! I would want to take them all home too!! <3

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