Sleepy Weekend Days

Sleepy Lola

Sleepy Lola
Cats may not have busy weeks filled with working or studying, but that doesn’t stop them from taking advantage of the weekend to have a cat nap. Or two. Or in fact, several.

It’s hard to say whether a cat’s weekend routine is any different from their Monday to Friday routine, but it seems to me that our cats pick up on the more laid back feel of weekend days. Saturday and Sunday are the best times to just chill out and catch some z’s.

Sampson the Lap CatLots of places can be fun to sleep. But the weekend means that mummies and daddies that work (or study) during the week are home and their laps can be taken full advantage of. This weekend Sampson decided to take advantage of both our laps at once!

A sleepy, cuddly cat is certainly a good weekend companion, even if their choice of bed can be at times a bit inconvenient. There’s only a certain amount of time that one can bear to stay still as a kitty cushion before pins and needles or the call of nature mean that poor cat has to go and find somewhere else to sleep. And isn’t that always the worst insult you could ever pay them? How dare you move when a cat is trying to sleep on you!


Lady Joyful

Are your cats more cuddly at the weekend than during the week? Do they like to take advantage of a soft lap to sleep on?


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34 thoughts on “Sleepy Weekend Days

  1. Charis says:

    Oh, I really like this Lady Joyful … 🙂
    Our cat Lilly is napping the whole day but for slowly walking in HER garden and of course to take some food / go to the litter box. In the morning there’s a quarter of an hour stroking and that is in fact every day. I don’t notice any change on weekends – perhaps she’s sometimes an hour later because it’s so quiet outside … 😉

  2. Rantasalot says:

    Voi noita kissoja. Uskomattoman samanlaisia tavoissaan. Oh those cats, their habits are so similar. “How dare you move when a cat is trying to sleep on you!” This sentence is so true every night. This morning the Great Kosmo had put his head to my hand and were snoring, as usual, really loud.

  3. sidilbradipo1 says:

    … “A sleepy, cuddly cat is certainly a good weekend companion,…” Okkey, explain that to my three kats! Havent’ slept more than two hours, in two days 😛

  4. ravenhawksmagazine says:

    Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine and commented:
    My cats take advantage of my lap whenever I sit down however it seems that when I sleep I make a better cat bed. I have one on each shoulder and the remaining three position themselves from my neck to my toes. Did I mention moving is frowned upon.

  5. Dave says:

    I have 2 feline princesses, and one at first glance anyway, looks like this one in the pic.

    Upon a closer look, Daisy is a flame point Siamese. She’s a white cat but, all her points are cinnamon, and she has the typical striped tail.

    The other is a regal looking long hair black cat.

    I love my felines!!

    They can be snuggly……for a price. Temptations.

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