Angel’s Eyes: Which chair is my Chair?

Spring is finally here and mom and dad got out the patio furniture today. Its been put up for the winter so the snow doesn’t damage it. It was nice to see each piece go on the deck one by one it just reminded me how much fun I had out there last spring. I’m so excited that Spring is finally Here!! Purr…


So as the chairs get put out one by one I have to start making a decision. That decision is,,,, What Chair is my Chair?


I’m smelling each one to see if I can tell which one was mine last spring, but I’m not having any luck. Purr..


Maybe this one would be a great chair for me, but I recall this one is the one dad always sits in because it is the head of the table.


This is going to be a hard decision to make. I just can’t make up my mind. I think I will try another way to decide what chair I’m going to sit in like sitting in each seat to see how they fell.


Oh… now this feels great. Purr…. The sun isn’t in my eyes and I can be next to dad and mom on each side of me. Purr….


Oh my gosh, I do think this is a purfect fit. I just found my chair on our deck for the spring and summer to have BBq’s and Mom, dad and I eating dinner out here every evening. It is very nice to have your dinner outside because the fresh air and the bird singing just gives me joy and a happy heart and soul.

I’m so glad I got that taken care of so I can get down to the real reason I’m outside.
Playing and Rolling in the dirt I won’t say chasing the birds because I’m not suppose to chase the bird just watch them… Purr… Purr…

See you here next week same spot same time or visit me on Facebook

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41 thoughts on “Angel’s Eyes: Which chair is my Chair?

  1. Pingback: Angel’s Eyes: Which chair is my Chair? | Angel's Life

  2. Sharon Perez says:

    You’re such a sweet and beautiful girl, I’d let you have whichever chair you liked best!! But it seems you made your own choice and I think it’s perfect!!

  3. Robin says:

    I’m glad that spring has arrived too! It is nice being able to get some fresh air. It looks like you have a lot of exploring to do to get ready for the summer months. That end chair does look like it is very comfy.

  4. Rasma R says:

    In my cat Sid’s world each room has a spot or chair he calls his own. However the truth is that mama’s chair is warmer after mama has gotten up and then it becomes my chair so there, meow…..

    • Angel's Eyes - Persian says:

      Ha ha! Your cat us very smart by getting the warm chair after mama has gotten up off a chair. Angel doesn’t sit on any furniture chair it’s very weird we have never told her no! But she will go try every chair outside on the deck.

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