Ok, let’s talk about the elephant in the room… My name’s Rachel and I am a cat-oholic. Since becoming single I find myself sort of saying it under my breath like “yeah I have two cats” because of the crazy cat lady stigma. But after much soul searching I decided to come out as a cat owner as it were and deal with the consequences. After all – any man I meet will have to like my cats if they are going to be with me. “Meh, I think cats are alright” will no longer be my tagline.
So…I love cats! What is not to love? Their cute little paws, the way they give you a little nudge with a nose when you cry, as though to say ‘hey! Why are you crying, come and play instead?’ The way that you can provide complete bliss for your furry friend just by waving a ribbon creates lovely times and lots of giggles, and while I don’t run home thinking cats, cats, cats I do think that my house became a home the day that these spiky little bundles arrived. Cats are inherently selfish creatures, so to gain their love feels like a reward and humans do ponder over their ways – that much is clear from all of the literature out there.

This month a new book has launched called Meow – A book of happiness for cat lovers. By Anouska Jones it currently retails at £12.95. This glossy hardback is a compendium of quotes that aim to capture the essence of this fascination. I actually really recommend this book for those cat lovers who hate books about cats. Rather than looking at the authors experience of cats, or god forbid doing it from a cat’s perspective. I actually hate those books with a passion (and trust me I have been given a few, the curse and blessing for a cat owner is cat related gifts) and much prefer books such as Simon’s Cat, which give a bit of a comedic angle on the crazy little things that cats do. This book has a feel of that about it – in that it collates the ponderings of many people.

Verdict: 7/10 definitely a one to get for cat owners if you are stuck for ideas!
While I am the topic of cat related gifts I must quickly mention another product I spotted recently on Amazon and have instantly ordered. Firstly it felt like it sums everything up in two words, secondly it is an absolute bargain at £1.79. Be aware as with all international orders this takes ages to arrive, so order early!

Verdict: 9/10 does what it says on the tin!
For us Brits, advent calendars are another one of those strange customs that we blindly follow each Christmas. I know some grown ups who still love to buy an advent calendar for themselves each year, myself included. Yet, it lacks the same element of excitement as a adult. Let’s face it, if we fancy a chocolate we can just go and buy some chocolate. After a quick calculation I realised that the average 26 year old has probably opened 575 little doors, and eaten 575 little chocolates in their lifetime. Less if you shared your calendars, and more if you stole chocolates from your siblings! And to those poor children who had the calendars with no chocolates, the ones with only pictures behind the door I can only imagine that as an adult you have given up on the ‘excitement’ altogether.
Dreamies have found the perfect solution – advent calendars for cats. At first I thought the calendar did not appear to be good value, if each door only housed one treat. However on closer inspection i realised that each door actually has approximately 10 treats inside, and on the 25th December your kitty will receive a really speedy wind up toy mouse. My cats both absolutely love this, they come running to the crinkle of cardboard and rub against my legs waiting for the little treats to be released. Thank you Dreamies, for putting a bit of excitement back into my advent calendar experience!
With prices from £2.99 in supermarkets and retailers such as Amazon it won’t break the bank either.

Verdict: A Purfect 10/10
Puurrfect Presents…
If, like myself, you are addicted to the joy of giving at Christmas you will find just about any excuse to buy the perfect present for every member of your family. There is not a single aspect about the gifting process – whether it is giving or receiving, wrapping or unwrapping – that I do not love. Even looking at the neatly stacked gifts under the tree gives me a shiver of excitement. For pet lovers, Christmas is yet another excuse to spoil those furry little creatures that give their cuddles freely and can put a smile on even the grumpiest of faces.
One of the best gifts that I have found to date for cats is the cat play house from iwantoneofthose.com. For £14.99 you can order a plane, tank, Cadillac or fire engine, and the concept is a flat pack cardboard set that you can then slot together to build the play house for your cat (I presume the idea was borne from the fact that cats love jumping into cardboard empty boxes) Upon arrival, I was very surprised at how large (though flat) the box was, the whole set comprised of under 10 pieces, which is quite handy if you do not like the ‘fiddly bits’. It did take me about 20mins to put together, as my cat Cleo was already intrigued and tried to lend a helping paw. This in itself was a rather fun activity!

After building the plane, it did take me a while to coax Cleo in. As it has a hole in the bottom (which isnt really very accessible) and a hole in the top it did feel like the wings got in the way a little. In this sense I think Cleo, being quite a curvaceous cat, would have been better suited to the Cadillac or fire truck. That said after throwing a few treats in there she quickly overcame her fears and was jumping in and out happily.
The plane now sits in our living room and Cleo loves it. I can imagine on Christmas day it will keep her occupied and away from our presents (especially if we throw our used wrapping paper in there!)

Verdict: A very fun 9/10
Cat Gadget Gifts
Personalised iPad case: InspireMyCase
This would make the perfect gift for a male or female, as it ticks both boxes – gadget and design. It was really simple to create I clicked onto the website (www.inspiremycase.com) chose the case that I required (there is also the option to choose a phone case based on the model) I then uploaded my JPEG photograph, and chose which text I would like to appear. It took under ten minutes, and when the case arrived I was amazed at the quality, it slots onto my iPad easily and has a really glossy feel to it. I would definitley recommend this as a gift for a personal touch!

Verdict: 9 / 10
For more blog posts from Contributor Rachel Mullaney, check out her blog A Geordie Lost in London at ageordielostinlondon.wordpress.com
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I am a fellow cat lady too!
I too proudly wear the mantle “crazy cat lady.” If being completely obsessed with my cats, Tipper and Biscotti, is wrong I don’t want to be right. Since retiring I can snuggle with the “boys” while I have my morning tea without having to leave for work. The comfort of a warm purring cat who looks at you with love in their eyes is simply to be blessed. My husband Spence feels the same about them but why don’t men get tagged with the “crazy” moniker? (Sexist?)
Anyway, loved your post and hold out for the guy who loves your fur babies as much as you do. I have a dear friend whose boyfriend is seriously allergic to cats but when he fell for her, he began getting weekly shots. Now years later, still getting the shots and they added a second kitty to their family, at his suggestion. And not just their cats, he loves our cats and they adore him. He’s a keeper in my book. And I defy anyone to call him crazy.
Great list! Thank you! Our cat has a Dreamies Advent calendar too! I have bought her a few toys for Christmas but I know what she will want to play with most – the empty boxes, the long shiny ribbons and bows and pieces of scrunched up wrapping paper! She already likes to tiptoe over to our tree and ‘bat’ a few of the lower baubles with her paw when she thinks we are not looking! And I have given up putting cards on the window-sill because she just jumps up and flicks them all off as if to say ‘this is my perch’! It is like having a young toddler in the house – when you have to put everything out of the way and at a height! Merry Christmas cats – we still love you!
LOL – That about the cards is so true!!! All of our christmas cards ended up on the fridge with fridge magnets haha 🙂
I love the airplane. Our cats’ favorite toy is called the Cat’s Meow and has a randomly rotating “mouse’ under a cover. Their last one broke so they are getting a new one for Christmas. I would also disagree with cats being inherently selfish. They have selfish tendencies, just like humans, but I watch them wash each other all the time which is very unselfish.
Oh I always wanted to try that Cat’s Meow toy! Now I may have to get it. 😀
And yes I agree just like us humans they have tendencies to be selfish but other times they can be so caring for each other. Watched my little boy the other day gently step over his sister – trying to not wake her up. He really contorted himself as he slid of the top platform past her. 🙂
I will give my cats nice boxes this Christmas. Do not underestimate the power of new boxes 🙂 I love the way my cats snuggle when I am crying. I think once or twice my cat even licked my tears away. For a dog that would be normal but for a cat. You need to earn that! lol nice and cute kitties btw. 🙂
Great recommendations!
I love my cats like every crazy old cat lady – but no gifts to my pets for Christmas. And while I have several adventcalendars (a german invention, if Wikipedia is to be trusted), I would never get one for my cats. Christmas their treat will be a nice fur tree! Something to sniff at and look at – and hide under .. No pawing of the shiny baubles – they are breakable and since the tree will still be up while I have return to work, I’d rather make sure my two know the baubles are off limits. For their own good. Who needs shards in his paws. And I had a very funny book last Christmas from my equally feline-mad cousin, featuring SMS from a cat.
I thought it was a German thing to have advent calendars as people in other countries generally didn’t seen to know them until more recent years LOL
I love that Advent Calendar for Cats! I’ll have to get one for my Aggie Girl next year. Thanks.
My two have a Cosma Calendar! 🙂
It’s got freeze dried meat in it (their favourite)
Cats rule! I have four and will be using them to adorn my color posts for 2015. Yours are cute!
I have two cAts too! …..my boyfriend has four ha …. I will have to look into that meow book!
Thank you 🙂 glad you liked the post ^^