Freya: Are These all my Presents?!? Our Secret Paws Surprise!

Hi everyone,

Fittingly for the cold time of the year it’s me little Freya the Snow Leopard here today! Every year the cat blogosphere hosts a Secret Paws gift exchange and this year we were lucky enough to get a parcel from our friends over at The Swiss Cats. 😀

Rennie: What do you mean by YOU… those presents are quite clearly addressed to ALL of us… so you should share!

Freya: Coming from the grand gourmand and stealer of toys… that’s quite hilarious!!!

Freya: I want this one!

Freya: And look! They sent us a wonderful card as well. 😀

Oliver: What’s going on here and why am I not invited to this party?!?

Freya: Who needs thumbs… I’ve got claws and fangs and will open this parcel for us!!! 😀

Renegade: What if there is something fragile inside???

Freya: Ooops…. I didn’t think about that!!!! :O

Freya: Looks like the humans are finally done unpacking! There is a whole bunch of toys for us and a calendar and sharp object for the humans. 😀

Renegade: That is a swiss knife… very useful but you don’t want to touch that one! Stay with the toys!

Rennie: Maybe you should wait until they fully unpacked it?

Freya: No! It’s already fun. 😀

Oliver: I see… you kids are still fighting over the spoils!

Freya: This one is most definitely my favourite. 😀 It’s quite a smelly little mouse but I LOVE IT!!!!

Rennie: That would be valerian! And should eventually calm you down…

Nubia: Meanwhile… I managed to get the BEST part of our Secrey Paws a box in my size. 😀

Katzenworld Cats: At this point we would like to sen a huge massive thank you to our friends over at The Swiss Cats Blog!

Signed by,

His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
Prince Renegade also known as the Flash
Princess Queen Freya the Snow Leopard

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